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PORTUGAL | Activities

Art project and exhibition “BLUE SHOES”

The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics.

The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics. The students in the class, some of whom were part of the Erasmus+ program, and therefore sensitized to active citizenship and act in the community to raise awareness they saw the possibility of extending the message there. Thus, “BLUE SHOES” were born, in which each shoe represents a life lost since the beginning of 2019 and the blue flower represents the belief in new generations and their mobilizing capacity to awaken the conscience of those who have a duty to ensure physical, psychological and emotional development within the family structure, where VIOLENCE should not be part. The artefacts produced were displayed at the entrance of the school, being visible to the entire school community.


The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics. 


The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics. 


The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics. 


The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics. 


The art teacher worked on the concept of structure and combined it with the family structure and its dynamics.